

And I am glad you share them. I do not consider you anti-gun. As far as I can tell you want guns but feel the system needs some tweaking by having what you perceive to be some reasonable restrictions that dont exist (but havent expressed what those restrictions are).

I dont have enough information to disagree or agree with you. I know i lean pretty strongly towards fairly lax gun laws, so i tend to disagree with many in that regard, at least to some degree.


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@freemo @freepeoplesfreepress well, before I can say whether I'm anti-gun or not, I need to see what problems are claimed to be solved by guns. So far I'm not convinced that they help freedom, security, property or whatsoever. I only see them as a public health risk, and possibly entertainment, but I struggle to appreciate hunting as fun


There are two angles to this, and perhaps you just presented yourself poorly:

1) Are there scenarios where a gun can, and have, saved lives

2) Are the cases of lives being saved outweighing the cases of lives lost

#2 is far mroe nuanced and I can understand if someone wants to engage in that discussion...

#1 is trivially obvious and if you question that, then it suggests your biases are so strong as to be futile.

Sounded like you were saying #1, but perhaps it was #2 and just worded poorly.

I assume you recognize a woman having a gun when being raped by a larger male could potentially save her life? I assume you also recognize that should someone want to kill you, having a gun could similarly potentially save your life? If so we have covered the trivial point at least.


@freemo @freepeoplesfreepress I'd rather consider the alternatives to the use of guns by non-professionals. Law enforcement is an alternative, but probably we rate it differently. In your example, if both sides have guns, why would the victim have an advantage at all? Certainly, surprise is on the side of the attacker


You ignored my question.. we need a baseline to continue... Is #1 as listed above true or not?

If both people have a gun then they will be on equal footing... good thing the good guy/victim had a gun cause if they wouldnt they would be at a disavantage which is much worse.

How do you expect lawenforcement to replace the need to carry a gun? Do you expect someone trying to kill or rape you to wait while you call the police and have them come? Int he overwhelming majority of attacks you will never even have the chance to call the police, and the incident will be long over by the time they get there anyway.


@freemo @freepeoplesfreepress sorry, I didn't mean to avoid your question. I thought I answered it here ( I don't see how a gun could save lives and don't think your example is a case of it. The way law enforcement fights crime is the same as your (elsewhere) said a gun would: through deterrence. Arguably, gunless crime gives law enforcement more time to arrive than gun crime does.

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