Remember people, being politicially incorrect is good for your health with all of the following benefits:
* No constant stress about what you say
* All of the most toxic and judgemental people will hate you enough to not be around you.
* The people who want to be around you will be fun, good, non-toxic people
* You dont have to deal with constant drama over nonsense
* You live a live of quality, not quantity.
@mzan use an extension to rewrite it :)
@freemo Hmmm. Most self declared politically incorrect people I've come across just use the term as an excuse to let their assholery fly.
What people self-declare and what is reality is often not the same thing.
@freemo hmm. We have a different definition of "toxic". Personally, I find those who don't care about others' feelings are the most toxic...
@freemo please... you used "stars" instead of "dots", and this can hurt the sensibility of astigmatic people! 😃