> who wants to get paid to destroy another person's life (the rich guy says to the IRS agent)

i can understand being a copblob :comfypolice:
i can't really understand the appeal of being a tax man

@icedquinn I was friends with a tax man. He turned out to be a POS but I can maybe shine some light on their thinking.

They think they are doing a public service. They arent really anti-rich usually or anything like that. But they do think they are making america a better place by doing a necessary service.

@freemo harassing the poor for pocket change to bomb arabs is a necessary service?
@freemo i mean the modern monetary theory literally only taxes to remove inflation from their infinite cash printing, so thinking you are doing anything other than terrorism by being a tax man means you're an unironic retard. :blobcathuh:

@icedquinn @freemo Keeping the money printer going. That's what causes inflation. Taxes won't stop inflation.

@posrev @freemo the theory is if they print 1,000$ to spend on bullshit, that will filter in to the economy eventually. which causes the economic penalties. if you "tax" 1,000$ back out from the poor, the supply in motion doesn't change.

which amounts to a very elaborate reverse robinhood where the state continously issues loans for more money than exists and seizes it to pay off ever increasing debt loads.

@icedquinn @freemo The debasing of currency didn't work out well for the Roman Empire. They did it to fund their endless wars.


100% of people who eat spinach eventually die. Therefore spinach must be unhealthy.


@freemo @posrev that's nonsense. gold/silver have retained trade value for >500 years.


Not even remotely true. Gold has widly changed in its trade value over the years. In fact just in our lifetime gold has swung considerably.


@freemo @icedquinn @posrev gold is fiat too, and it's only a good hedge against guvment collapse and nothing else :l_wink:
@romin i don't really get why people care about gold. i think solely *because* it is shiny and largely useless for anything else.

@posrev @freemo


Gold has value for the same reason fiat has value... The qty is relatively fixed and cant be easily fabricated.

@posrev @romin

@freemo @posrev @romin fiat is imminently fabricated. it comes out of a printer. :blobcathuh:

you have to be trolling me right now


When did I say it cant be fabricated... I said **easily** fabricated... is it easy to get one of those printers? No, in fact only one specific authority in the whole universe has one.

@posrev @romin

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