Remember the days when tolerance and appreciating new perspectives and differences of opinion were considered a virtue?

Peppridge farms remembers.


@freemo @realcaseyrollins

2 + 2 = 5 for sufficiently large values of two

Tolerance is absolutely a virtue for sufficiently intolerant definitions of tolerant.


I am not suggesting you should be tolerant of everything, No one needs to be tolerant of literal Nazis for example. But when everyone and everything that disagrees with you looks like a Nazi.....


@freemo @volkris I actually disagree with this, depending on what you mean.

When people say “tolerance”, they usually refer to either allowing people to speak, or not barring people from taking office.

Any ideology that bars people from speaking or holding office based on their beliefs alone will bleed into fascism given enough time and power.

Now to be clear, there’s a big difference between tolerance and acceptance. Listening to an idea doesn’t mean you should embrace it. But it’s possible to have enough discernment that you hear someone crazy say something crazy and say “that’s crazy” rather than “why isn’t he in jail yet”.

>Any ideology that bars people from ... holding office based on their beliefs alone will bleed into fascism given enough time and power.
Don't you think a political system that doesn't bar people from holding office who hold fascist beliefs will become fascist faster?


No, in fact quite the opposite. A political system that **does** bar people from holding office who hold fascist beliefs would be come fascist the fastest. In fact, the moment it passes the law that prevents them from holding office, at that very moment it has become fascist.

@volkris @realcaseyrollins

Because I didn't realise it just meant "when you don't have perfectly pure democracy"

@Hyolobrika @volkris @realcaseyrollins

The democratic aspect is only one of the qualities that makes fascism fasism.


I dont maintain a personal definition of fascism. I agree with the dictionary on this term and find it sufficient.

@volkris @realcaseyrollins

The dictionaries (plural) have [many definitions](, the first in that link being basically a bunch of different and logically separable things lumped together.


Yup, tons of words represent a bunch of different and logically seperable things lumped together. In fact most words representing political movements or qualities thereof would fit that description.

@volkris @realcaseyrollins

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