I would love to undertand better the reason/psychology/development of some homosexual men to speak in that distinctive way of speaking that seems exclusive to gay men. Like it isnt an accent, and doesnt seem to occur naturally since its exclusive to that group. Do gay men make it a point to learn to speak that way at some point? If so why?
My best guess is as a way to show their orientation publicly to signal to other gay men, in an effort to creat connections or find companions that are also gay? But that would imply its a conscious thing they learnedto do at some point?
PS please no inconsiderate responses. Be respectful people.
@LouisIngenthron If that were true im not sure it woukd be exclusive to gay men. It might show a lean towards gay and bi men sure, but it appears pretty much exclusive to gay men.
It also doesnt strike me as feminin. Like a trans woman who was once male will try to speak in a more feminin tone and that doesnt at all resemble the expression we are describing here.
That could be. Ive met metrosexuals, usually thry get manicures and body sculpting, but never met one who spoke in that voice. Perhaps its regional as my hometown, even among gays, that way of speaking is nonexistant. I only see it often when traveling. I fact 90% of my exposure to it is probably from male flight attendants whom i only assume (perhaps incorrectly) are gay.
@freemo Oh, it's not exclusive to gay men. There are straight men who use that voice. Usually, they are referred to as "metrosexual". It's just that straight men have *significant* societal pressure to speak "normally" if they want to ever get laid or be employed, whereas gay men have the opposite incentive (at least for the getting laid part). I truly believe that *every* man has that voice inside him... just a matter of how close to the surface it gets.
As for the thing about trans women: many of them are seeking, above all, to fit in as their new gender, so they tone a lot down. But there are absolutely women (cis and trans) who are every bit as catty as the gayest men. Just watch any reality show on TV, lol.