@freemo Agreed. Boundaries, both physical and social, are inherently exclusionary.
And anyone who chooses to remain outside of them also remain outside of their control.
@louis boubdaries work oth ways too. Aomeone may not want to hear a subject, and i may not want ro be censored. If we are incompatible tbe o ly respectful result is tonwalk away and not be offended
@freemo Right, in that case your boundaries do not overlap, like a venn diagram of two separate circles.
Juat had this problem woth an asian lady, new friend. I told a joke that was maybe pg 13 at best. The most offensive part was ghe mere me tion of tbe existance of porn. She was deeply offended. I apologized for violating bsr boubdaries and aaid my jokes are quire a bit more crass than that, best we dont be friends ljt of respect for your boubdaries. She was even more offended j would exclude a friendhip over that.
She cant have it both ways. Im happy to respect her boubdaries, by keeping her away from my friend circle and the jokes contained therein
@freemo Riiight... but I can also see why someone might think that severing an entire relationship over such a minor difference of opinion might be overreacting. You could just CW lewd jokes instead
We are also talking real world friendship not online.