The Dutch perhaps spend more on video games yet we have a LOT less gun violence πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

I wonder why... πŸ”« ❌ πŸ‡³πŸ‡±


Thats like saying "The dutch banned vaccines, therefore we have a lot fewer vaccine deaths, I wonder why"

I mean of course you do, that doesnt make it a win anymore than eliminating vaccines would be a win.

@freemo What...

Yes, bananas are wheels for computers! I see



Not sure how you are confused.. when you make something illegal that is used to save your life when someone is trying to kill you with a knife, it isnt a win that you eliminated gun deaths and replaced them with being killed by other means.

Much as when making vaccines illegal you effectively will eliminate all deaths via vaccine, but now replace those deaths with even more deaths from the virus itself.

Same thing, not sure why that concept would confuse you.

inb4 be sure if you use numbers you compare netherlands to itself both before and after a change. Any other comparison would be dishonest due to confounding.

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@freemo Sorry but you don't get it.. like at all so im gonna stop wasting my time sorry ❀️

It's okay

@stux It seems to be you who doesnt get it, but your always welcome to disengage.

@freemo Okay! :blobcathighfive:

Your in the country with endless gun deaths but im the one who doesn't get it πŸ˜‰

Thats what i mean haha

@stux I am also in the country that when the Israli mob was trying to murder me I was allowed to arm myself and ensure I stayed alive... I am in the country that didnt insist I let someone kill me just because it cares more about replacing one gun death with 10 knife deaths and calling that a win.

@stux The people who praise replacing one gun death with 10 knife deaths by making guns illegal are the same people who never stood up to people doing evil who were capable and willing to kill you.

When you are the one people are trying to kill your opinion on guns changes real quick. I certainly never bothered owning a gun before then. Now I open-carry with a license.

OK, ..but what if it makes me FEAL better to support gun bans?
@freemo @stux @threalist I get if you are in another nation where violence is high, but Europe, certain parts o east Asia, and the US are the safest nations to live. Comparing it to a place where violent attacks happen often is not really comparable. i looked up home invasion stats in the US. 100 per year. That's 2 for each state. Most gun violence is caused by tempers from a disagreement. In a nation where you were, yes having a gun would probably make you safer. Here in the US it just increases your chances of committing suicide or your kid finding it and shooting themselves.

@anubis2814 @stux @threalist

Just factually false. The reason you cant compare homicide rates to gun ratea across countries is due to confounding and isnt simply because some places are violent while others arent.

If you analyze the numbers according to proper scientific analysis where you loom at homicide rates before and after a change in gun laws kt cecomes very clear that banning guns in thr usa or anywhere else drastically increases violent crimes and homicide. I have posted thr stats on this countless times.

@freemo @stux @threalist K, I don't know or follow you, so the fact that you've posted things in the past is useless to me. Also the NRA has gotten the US government to completely ban any government research on this topic so there is a lot of muddy areas and police in the Us don't share their databases. We don't know because there is not proper scientific analysis because the data collection is purposely hamstrung.

@anubis2814 @stux @threalist

Since we are talking abojt all homicide and violence, there is more than ample data.

@freemo @stux @threalist K, Nations are very different with different circumstances. You use or Ireland and Jamaica as examples are not even remotely comparable to the US. Homicide rates stayed steady after the ban in Australia from 1996 to 2002, and then dropped drastically. Austalia is a way closer comparator to the US than Ireland during the troubles.

@anubis2814 @stux @threalist

Homicide went down along with the world wide trend in australia. But violent crimes went up, specifically sexual assault and robbery both skyrocketed .

You can argue many countries are different, doesnt change thr fact that thebpattern ia seen in botb developed and undeveloped nations.

Sounds traumatic, sorry you felt in danger, but I'm glad you took steps to responsibly protect yourself and your loved ones.


Nevermind that removing the guns always has an authoritarian regime that follows.

It's amazing how much violence your own government is willing to perform against its population when they know the people cannot realistically fight back.

Look at the UK.

@stux @threalist

@freemo @stux Ironically, a similar provision was made for the Jews when Haman obtained a decree allowing their extermination. Esther 8

"By these letters the king permitted the Jews in each and every city the right to assemble and defend themselves, to destroy, kill, and annihilate all the forces of any people or province hostile to them, including women and children, and to plunder their possessions. The single day appointed throughout all the provinces of King Xerxes was the thirteenth day of the twelfth month, the month of Adar."

The decree to allow their extermination could not be revoked. But the additional decree gave official permission for the Jews to arm and defend themselves.

Your legislation on murder is so pathetically weak we have to incarcerate your murders...

@diego @freemo You can keep coming up with all the excuses in the world but it still won't change a single thing about the fact from my first post πŸ˜‰

All you can do is drive attention away from the real issue, it's nothing new

Are you seriously suggesting that video game revenue is hard linked with homicide rate?


Are you seriously just making things up that i never even suggested. Please show me whatni said that even hints at that being my opinion....


@freemo @diego I think Diego misread my first post dismissing that whole thing :blobcatgiggle:

I think your BS just encountered someone who developed who has "domain knowledge".


never claimed your post is factuallymincorrext. Just like it is factually correct making vaccines illegal will eliminate vaccine deaths.

Being factually correct isnt the same as interpriting the facts correcrly.

Foe the recors in my 40 years living in one of the biggest cities I have never once seen anyone threatened with a gun nor ha e i ever known a single person who has.. in fact tbe only time i was near to a mass shooting at all and witnessed gun violence was in the Netherlands.



Ok, the point. No one said the usa is universally superior to the brits. You can find tons of things we so wrong. Giving our people the freesom tonprotect themselves isnt one of them


@dcc @stux @realcaseyrollins

Its almost like "Cum hoc ergo propter hoc" is a logical fallacy or something... Who wulda thunk, not this scientist.

@freemo @stux But do Dutch have negative effects though? I don't have impression they have bad crime rates.

Statistics also show that e.g. the US have more violent crime per capita so it doesn't look like guns help much.


Indeed they do. With virtually every country if you compare their violent crime and homicide rates both before and after a gun ban the rates sky rocket for many years after and never return to normal.

So yes there are more people dying as a result of their gun laws and that can be seen across most nations that have had gun bans and inferred to be the same effect in the netherlands.

Most of the data for this i have is for other countroes like england, ireland, jamaica, but sadly limited data on the netherlands on hand.


@freemo @stux @shuro Ireland was going through the troubles at the time, that's hardly a comparable state. Jamaica is also a developing nation. England would be interesting to know the data on if you can site it. Comparing a developing nation to a developed one in terms of gun violence is comparing apples to oranges.

@anubis2814 @shuro @stux

Again you do not xompare nations at all, that would be bad stats. You always compare a nation to itself both before and after a ban. In virtually all cases thenpattern is the same, huge increase in deaths following a ban that never fully recovers (but you do get partial rebound).

When im by the computer i can cind thr england data again. Its also been shown at the state levelnin thrbusa and again, deathtoll rises as well

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