Governments do what we need to do (give to other people) but not by stealing and pocketing of our donations at the same time...
Right now we're anyway paying ourselves and others with our own energy... and funding the rich to oppress us.
So I suggest reducing the bad money people and holes in between, and more creating reasons to spread things among ourselves
@freeschool Its not the rich who are oppressing us. Everyone oppresses us, rich, poor, middle class. People are just assholes.
@freemo But not equally oppressive or equally assholes.
There is an equation / structure that does the compound damage so you or I as assholes isn't much but those who are rich massacre in finance anything compared to that, or even hammer / delete / erase years worth of good people's work. It's not equal also as the 'who has more resources to be an asshole' and following more structurally enforcing things and threatening using that system does way more damage that your 'we're all equal' sounding stuff seems to be saying...
Though for sure people are born erroneous - we just need a system and more people that lean the tree toward better ways (and not pure-profit ways which is not even neutral and opposite to accepting our own imperfections and magnifying it)
@freemo I'd add these points which radically change that:
- They (The mindset of war/feeding harshly from people and those before us) have helped design and build a structure of unsaid violence / systematic violence and evolve something where you as a mere individual are simply born into it and actually can't see or there is too many things / tricks to keep up on. This is incredibly unfair and the other side is much more formidable compared to a few new borns with barely any history, having less and less land etc.
- As for deliberate mistakes or not from any individual, it's probably because of system also in it's bad ways and bad training also. Lack of choice for one, but restrictions and rules makes people suffer / frustrated / violent / choked.
- Considering a built system means seeing increment going to those bad things, things simply increase bad things in bad hands (of course). So even if you're neutral/oblivious, your energy nd existence are being funneled into uncaring things (and back around again for the next gen). This perpetuates it way more as life-threatening thing than individuals! (
- The bottom also increasingly relies on top so even if they were angels you need bad people / banks. No choice other than death currently which is a reflection of how system treats it's people (ultimatum).
- poor / middle class don't even know what construct they are in. The damage is mostly to themselves.
- The main point that one massive-accumulated-clever system that enforces, funnels and trains people into certain behavior seems very little versus what people do which even at worst doesn't amount to much other than self-damage (even if you see this as the training of system itself making 'bad products' of how it treats it's own and feed from them like vampires leaving them feeling ill and exhausted constantly)
Can't discount the evolution of 'system' or 'patterns that work better for them' much like a tool made for cutting people, it's a lot better at some things more than other things (and some things it doesn't do and was never designed to do at all).