#GAZA Peace Quote - There's something of a conspiracy against the voices for peace and ceasefire for withdrawal from this war
1st #Quote starts here: https://invidious.jing.rocks/watch?v=o1pNsFjFnSE&t=10m46s
2nd Quote... continues later in video with George Galloway addressing people calling him "Divisive" on issue of #Gaza #War
" You can't sit on the fence against the 'plausible genocide' in #Gaza.
Either your for or against it. "
" If you're against it, you must speak against it, march against it, protest about it. And you must call out the people proselytizing for it.
( proselytizing = Convert to another faith or religion )
@freeschool Love this post, and it is of the length I can digest comortably and potentially meaningfully respond to. Most of your posts are just too long for me to engage with due to my very minimal time investments I have here. Either way, great post, thanks.
I'm glad you like it.
Fortunately we have all this high quality video and audio material (made by others) to be able to point to and link which helps a lot.
Links to exact place in the video is also quite a recent thing. This helps me say the things I mean even though it's not my work.
But on the other side, because it isn't my work (or is part of what I and others build on which is still good) still there is a bit of a gap or distance between working on things as a consumer and personally working with you and me and everyone as the material also.
[snip / edited !]
I did write much longer (as below after) but instead I thought I'd send you a voice memo using a new website that allows recording and linking all in one [ https://vocaroo.com ]
The rest below you don't need read / audio version is linked above
It's a difference like watching a Hollywood movie and then choosing to live / practice life with other people AT THE SAME TIME knowing it's cringe!)
Ultimately I think it is too much to expect any one individual to achieve such clarity as in that post and without it being naturally unclear / unfinished as a person or 'product' of their environment
Actually collecting similar hearted people is also more the work I see needed, to choose to do with those already in that spectrum and one-to-one find where we can serve more deeply to each other instead of expect any finished product first or what-can-I-use-from-this-person contact and relativity. That;s not always best.
So if you want to hear me speak about what I would say in a different medium to reading then just listen to me instead as a test / novel format !
The rest below you don't need read / audio version is linked above
Basically the 'human work' I talk about in longer form is basically what we need to help others get there in clarity or being less of a dick :) (just one person at a time if we we can already see the light of day with them) then it's a help to society like an light partnership / apprenticeship / mentor which many can't do with family (too close or risk of estrangement)
Individuals / I are most certainly not going to have such a production of material of video, friends around to record and edit me speaking, post production, skills in doing, youtube links etc to even summarize in the way that post did!
Also many people who do achieve this level of clarity can simple die at the end from spending all the time doing it but not spreading / testing their work,.
An author without practice is also a consideration for me ... so that's why I'm still around.
But I think you have done quite a bit - and not 0 and gave me time, so I'm just showing what I see and really calculate we are all missing in humanity and your "depth" remark kind of reflects that often. And often things are the same 'goal' but people can't get to enough of a nth level to see "ah now I see how it's weaving in the exact same things I want"...
I think I can 100% accept if you don't see or can't do much more investigating what I mean but I can't accept the alternative which is not enough depth by everyone and then using capitalism for what is given back much less, uncaring and unkind. I'd rather make our own work about us helping people (including ourselves) in the expressional and mental sense to see what it is they / we want (this would be faster and more real progress, courage in the mind etc) more than anything else. And while people can do their life as it is they DO NOT ignore this part for themselves and others... which I don't think you do just want maybe to go further in the "I get what you're doing" as this was one of the first times Mr. Galloway seems to assist me in that clarity ! (just imagine this post but x 100 things and that combination to be of use to everyone else if we could get in contact with them weekly / monthly)
E.G. If you wrote something very long - say 10 times this post, then I would either read it fast, make a day for it, or keep tab open and read it in 10 increments (so it was like 1 post at a time in a longer form)
But Aaaaanyway seem simply to me.... :)
Hope you enjoyed the audio version:
Vocaroo | Online voice recorder
Vocaroo is a quick and easy way to share voice messages…
Actually in terms of voice and video im generally less likely to engage. Its of course nothing personal, I just find those mediums require more of my bandwidth which is already stretched painfully thin.
I'll give your full message a read over this evening, just had that immediate comment to make.
@freemo Sure, thanks. .
Can also ignore this message.
Because I simply cannot see any other way for the human endeavor I think and so I continue as it's such a big missing piece....
We will always get what masters we deserve if really the existing limitations are what we already have today as proof itself almost.
All is always lost again without this kind of human stuff.
Much more personal somehow for the way...
1 thing just as a double check to see if you got what I meant all this time - us as the product and drive for "work" more often...
@freemo OK 1 thing just as a double check to see if you get what I meant all this time - you might have missed this:
When I say "make us your work"... I am suggesting it's more important now or more valid to humanity to switch over "work" itself towards people themselves totally or more often. As in picture.
Whether you agree or not with what humanity needs, I just mean us as QOTO literally as your material almost as replacement for the more tech stuff but of course actually not as we will still use it, but not as sole output.
You have people on the server for example which you can access and poll as your willing material (assume you can find out if there is enough people of different types who can be used like component parts) and you don't necessarily change your whole profession or practice but the output of what you call "work" becomes more "real human change" more directly - as we all gravitate to the personal interaction and personal side of things to discover more about what we want / can do and add it together in combination of skills / loves.
The main glue to everything else which happens and many 'products' from it is in us and much more relative way since it's added from that many things which we the X-Men can be used for willingly (from strong to weak) where everyone has a place that just needs sorting or matching with others X-Men's powers and dreams)
You, me and others magnetise and galvanise people themselves to seed themselves and more people (it grows humanly which is important as a lot of other stuff doesn't). #p2p #investing in each other.
People with their own material and own work funnel into / by one big organic thing started by you in which we also sort out ourselves when "this" is the main work, which doesn't happen until "this is the main work guys". Then we get doing the micro work and producing our work as products and fulfilling dreams all-the-while bring the best to the fore while endless creation or mergers.
Back-burner stuff comes to the foreground again too (many have those because their "work" takes things over as a mono-culture. We grow culture on QOTO! At least get help to be proven possible or not is a great thing and usually we we know it's possible in many transformative senses of that! Often it's just about the numbers of people who have look and add something and the dream is done. There's surely 1 or 2 that can help anyone see better for anything.
But if it's not a main focus of project or server then I feel the power drive is lost / possibility is not and potential is near 0 and lost (also as a reflection of modern day structural violence stopping growth).
Does the picture make sense (any doubts?) - I wanted to check your whole perception of your "time" as "text" mode could be what mostly what changes and becomes us and the same "forever" work you have now but with the people ( #QOTO users, dreamers, teachers, humanity, trust building etc).
Seems like the name #QOTO (Question Others to Teach Ourselves) as acronym is pretty close to that and my writing shows how it is actually the same in uncanny way! Or very close to your original label do you think? Just need project fulfilling with someone to say "hey what are you doing and how can we use you?" and put that into a spreadsheet or QOTO flow chart! Maybe something searchable to be able to see which user is willing to do what, you being occasional architect somewhat!
The rest is not needed to read and the picture I hope you can tell me if mis-understandable but basically we get better with you at what you do best and what we in turn do better.
It may seem like a big ask or total change but looking at trees of life and "work", we now all want for same things better in the human realms (tech is not enough or we had enough to jump to other things) so together as people it much any stress much more about the love we have for things to grow rather than staying in boxes or one-way toots because of the lack of relativity. It makes "work" much less of a chore and more of a "wow" exploring and growing each other (while we do what we did before but not all in).
If your work is currently mainly the tech output than I think there is enough of that; dealing with tech, repairing, tweaking of things / installing / reinstalling / deleting things / wondering constantly why things don't work / paying for bigtech - so I suggest we no longer need that so much / it's being done and overdone, so we're already at the top of what's needed and healthy for opening up the other tech trees (see picture which can be seen as merging and not stopping anything you do now but integrating it into a more human tree)
It's not just a "give me time I'm lonely" thing but "I'm serious about what you're serious about, and have dreams myself, let's work out everything!". And "I want to make use your time as do you" and orientate / gravitate towards that using existing skills and even more.
This would be change in the world with rippling micro-changes once 1 person is harmonising us, helping us focus, being the magnifying glass to laser things. And then learn to do it ourselves / have regular talks with this focus etc.
This 'solves' the problem of time you mention as it becomes part of your work not just a side game or additional thing you squeeze in between to satisfy us or do more of the same / or even hire others.
Like I said you might not get this or how to transition from classical science-for-more-science into science-to-more-human-happiness and making it easier for ourselves through better managers / dreamers / scientists / processes.
That human or happiness factor, at least as a months test, I think is the evolution "of your kind" who is going too far up the tech tree bending the top from going too far being too heavy for life as tech and now instead you jump or cross to the next tree (as pictures) to increase the field of power in others / people themselves (almost like two trees next to each other you grow the next tree or field) and grow the "human-happiness" tech tree (call it improving people, fulfilling dreams or whole list of things - plenty of good work there).
We are your work essentially, with measurable connections, skills, dreams... and as a data scientist you can help us all make that come true and enjoy your diving with others while still doing that / merging it eventually... bridging the human condition (lack of relativity) with fun, improvement, y/our expertise (including getting people using themselves together)
I had accept and agreed with all you said until I realized you were talking probably more in the way of trying to squeeze it all in on the side when I mean shifting focus to us as the main but looping it all back too with existing.
We could literally fill in the boxes of picture but until we really have to or major test happens with orientation of gifted people like yourself, I feel like it won't happen on any scale or enough people to seed themselves p2p.
lol - isn't it amazing how words almost fit themselves to tell us what they mean and what we are to do?
In this paragraph below I say magnetise ( which is like #Magneto from X-Men) and galvanise like #glavatron (from #Transformers !)
(The X-Men and Transformers references I think fit well into this context, don't you you think @gabriel )
I said in this paragraph:
"You, me and others magnetise and galvanise people themselves to seed themselves and more people more obviously with consent and it grows humanly.
(which is important as a lot of other stuff doesn't / can't care so much about anything because it it's not human - can't cut human out of anything!).
#p2p groups #investing in each other.