I’ve noticed that a common default mode for communication on social networks like #Twitter, #Facebook, #Discord, etc. is to be aggressive towards others. It doesn’t matter how innocent or positive a post is; it could always be met by immediate and relentless aggression from some users. For instance, if someone posts “I really love this game” on one of these platforms, they might get responses that accuse them of having deep character flaws because no normal person could like that game. This kind of behavior is very discouraging and stressful for anyone who wants to share their opinions or interests online. This doesn’t tend to happen on most #Mastodon servers, where the communication is more civil and respectful. If people disagree with something on Mastodon, they either go away quietly or simply point it out politely without insulting or harassing the other person. The world should be more like Mastodon and less like other social networks where aggression is the norm. #socialmedia
@hasmis yeah :D
@gpowerf And I'm happy I don't get death threats for a little geophysics....