Isn’t this neat? My monitor has a reticle that you can overlay independent from the game. #gaming
@nnungest it is a super duper cheap KOORUI 24E4. It’s main party trick is 165Hz at very little cost.
@gpowerf btw what monitor? Asking for a friend
@gpowerf Huh, hahaha! So part of the monitor settings? :D
@trinsec indeed
@gpowerf Can you offset it in case the ingame screen isn't totally center? Like, due to stat displays on the side/bottom or whatnot?
@trinsec good question. I’ve not tried.
@trinsec sadly not. I’ve just checked.
@gpowerf Ah bummer, would've been a kickass feature if it could!
@trinsec I’ve used thin strips of tape before to mark parts of the screen. I did it for Donkey Kong back in the day trying to learn patterns on the spring board.
@gpowerf fine, but it still doesn't count. #monitorhacks