I am a Digital Banker though I studied Mathematics. I'm tall and a bit dark.
A volleyball 🏐 player.
Interested in meeting new friends here and I can go down to hell with you..... Believe me

@holar_world Pure maths huh? I love talking math. It doesnt come naturally to me but i am persistent. Any particular area of math?

@freemo yeah... The pure part
Lebesgue measure
Real analysis
Mathematical induction
Abstract Maths
....... And so more

@holar_world @freemo Nice, I'm studying differential geometry right now. My mind is exploding, but that's pure bliss.

@MM I don't know the first thing about that subject. I mean I know what differentiation is, and geometry. Just not sure what they mean together. Is it like using the geometric process to determine pi sorta stuff?


@freemo @holar_world Not quite, you try to apply mathematical analysis to geometric objects like curves, surfaces, or higher dimension objects called manifolds. You introduce vector fields, differential forms, geodesics, curvature onto those objects and study them there.

@MM Ok that makes a bit more sense. I might need to dive into it sometime. I've worked in n-dimensions before in vector form. I started writing a paper on rotations in N-dimenions (which was part of a larger paper) but i got stuck on a few details (double rotations mostly). If you're ever curious I can share it with you.



@freemo @MM okay no problem.....though been long have studied

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