This is not what many people would like to hear I suspect but is an important message to take on board:
"The majority of research funding [in general] comes from charities, with only a small percentage coming from the government for other diseases"
Who Funds Research? | Why The Charity Sector is Vital For Long Covid & ME/CFS
UK-focused piece
#MEcfs #CFS #PwME @mecfs
#MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #ChronicFatigueSyndrome
“Inverse vaccine” shows potential to treat multiple sclerosis and other autoimmune diseases
The inverse vaccine, described in Nature Biomedical Engineering (, takes advantage of how the liver naturally marks molecules from broken-down cells with “do not attack” flags to prevent autoimmune reactions to cells that die by natural processes.
𝗣𝗿𝗶𝘃𝗮𝗰𝘆𝘄𝗮𝗮𝗸𝗵𝗼𝗻𝗱 𝗸𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘀𝗰𝗵 𝗼𝗽 𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗸𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘃𝗮𝗰𝗰𝗶𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗲𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗮 𝗼𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗳𝘁𝗲
Een groep onafhankelijke wetenschappers die een vervolgonderzoek uitvoert naar oversterfte, had al veel eerder geanonimiseerde vaccinatiedata kunnen krijgen. Dat zegt de Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens (AP). De onderzoekers vroegen ongeveer een halfjaar geleden al om de data. #nieuws #nos #privacy #vaccinatie #oversterfte
Mijn kortste tweet die ooit viraal ging, 4 woorden, toen iedereen om de hete brij heen blijf draaien. "Het.Zijn.De.Kleintjes." We wisten het allemaal.
Dit is niet Twitter en het zal niet viraal gaan, maar hier zijn mijn 3 woorden:
Ergste drogreden die je maar kunt verzinnen. Omdat het merendeel van de kinderen ‘al Corona heeft gehad’ krijgt de rest ook #virusPlicht?? En dan nog, zelfs wie het ‘al gehad heeft’ ontzeg je de kans om de risico’s mbt het elke keer opnieuw oplopen te verkleinen. Faal #ministerieVanVolksVerzieking
"Why bother? #Omicron is everywhere.
It's a very dangerous question."
Do what you can to avoid infection. Here is why:
Good article on 'brain fog' after #COVID19 & other problems but I call it cognitive dysfunction. It ended my career as a reporter and can be absolutely devastating.
I spoke to Dr. Johnathan Flowers (@shengokai), who studies the philosophy of technology, about Musk's takeover of Twitter and some of the different norms & affordances of alternatives like Mastodon, and how they create obstacles for people of color, et al:
Uit WOBS die nu, pas na anderhalf jaar, vrij komen: een interne RIVM-mail uit maart 2020. ‘De beste strategie is inderdaad zo hoog mogelijk als capaciteit toelaat, niet zo laag mogelijk’. 'Voordeel' van deze ‘UK-strategie’ is ‘herd immunity'
BookWyrm is a Fediverse alternative to Amazon's GoodReads.
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According to news on LinkedIn the ITU voted to abolish leap seconds by 2035. I'm not about to wade into this discussion, except to make one note. Abolishing leap seconds might lead to practically noticeable effects a hundred years from now. But I guess by that time, we'll have bigger problems to deal with.
Some people like to make fun of Elon by calling him Elmo. I think that's unfair - to Elmo.
Ask yourself, what would Elmo do in that situation? He would ask questions. Lots of questions. He would talk to everyone he could before even thinking of saying anything. He would spend his whole day learning about stuff and making friends.
🔬New study by Westermeier shows Endothelial Dysfunction in vitro in #MECFS
⬇️decreased production of nitric oxide by the endothelium cells when exposed to plasma from #pwME
🔬samples from the UK ME/CFS Biobank
@theonlysimonandorgarfunkel this makes me think of #KurtVonnegut and what an archaeologist told him as a youth:
He said something then that I will never forget and which absolutely blew my mind because no one had ever said anything like it to me before: ‘I don’t think being good at things is the point of doing them. I think you’ve got all these wonderful experiences with different skills, and that all teaches you things and makes you an interesting person, no matter how well you do them.
Jammer dat weinig experts kritiek op patenten echt bespreekbaar wilt maken en het feit dat technology transfers echt moeilijk werden gemaakt. Gelukkig wel meer brave initiatives. Want terwijl we in het westen ouwenelen in de marge sterven mensen aan het 'marktmechanisme'
‘Farmaceuten ontlopen verantwoordelijkheid bij opkomende infectieziekten’
Low-key due to ELCI; science, crafty stuff, cats, plants.