Was having a good day... Now I'm being gaslighted outside of work. And people wonder why I hate them so much, despite being otherwise good eggs.
historical pretext statements breaking under current context situations that illustrate arbitrary views about me that can be viewed about me as fiscally fluid or less-so-critical from my end of the line.
@lucifargundam Erm.. and in more simple English...?
person said they wouldnt treat me as someone they would depend on, did so despite me not agreeing to do so without anything in return. Now i'm upset they're mad they want something for nothing because they're acting like I shit rainbows on demand.
>>make things better!
<< will you?
<< then no.
>>why wont you save the world?
<<fuck you?
>>you're so mean!
<< you wont even hug me without strings attached.
@lucifargundam Lol, sounds like you just need to tell them exactly that. They seem clueless. A fuck you isn't really helping. ;)
I just ignore or politely decline to people who are obviously only contacting me when they want something specific from me and never would contact me otherwise.
And then I shrug them off because they're obviously not part of my life anyway.
@lucifargundam How do you figure you're being gaslighted?