GCC Linker won’t link the binaries: Hard-Float vs Soft-Float ... Here's how we fix the #RustLang binaries in Apache #NuttX RTOS
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/rust4.html#software-vs-hardware-floating-point
Here's how we create a #RustLang Custom Target for #RISCV Double-Float: riscv32gc
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/rust4.html#custom-target-for-rust
#RustLang Apps run OK on Apache #NuttX RTOS for QEMU ... After adding the Rust Custom Profile for Double-Float
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/rust4.html#nuttx-links-ok-with-rust
#RustLang Apps won't compile for Apache #NuttX RTOS on #Ox64 BL808 SBC ... Let's fix this in the next article! 👍
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/rust4.html#rust-build-for-64-bit-risc-v
Before using a #RustLang Custom Target, remember to rebuild the Rust Core Library
Article: https://lupyuen.codeberg.page/articles/rust4.html#build-the-rust-core-library