If I had a lot of free time I would be playing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celestia
It's a simulator. You can learn a lot about the universe and... how to fly and land space shuttle and other space vehicles (the physics of it, also), for example.
@mc Well, you could go the wacky routine and grab Kerbal Space Program instead. 😋
No way. I prefer the real thing - lots of physics and math. (Yeah, I know I' weird...) 😆
@mc Yeah, and I prefer an epic storyline game. ;) Trying to unravel some secret plot, to undo the wrongs that the evils have done, etc etc. ;)
Well, you don't discuss preferences, do you? 👍
@mc Preferences are preferences. I game to escape the real world and do something heroic or silly. ;)
@mc That doesn't look like a game to me though. ;)