Music Streaming and Schools: A Personal Quandry -
"I love music. My students see my green vegan Doc Martens 1460s and can tell I’m that kind of teacher. I used to play music regularly in my classroom, that is until I started paying more attention to the TOS on the different streaming services. I chatted with some friends on #mastodon about this yesterday...In a nutshell, when you read the terms on a streaming service, look for the word personal...."
#Education #EdTech #Copyright #Netflix #Spotify #Hulu #Amazon #Pandora #FairUse #K12 #Schools @edutooters via @brasst
@jellycrystals @mguhlin That’s an angle others proposed at school, but intentionally using in a classroom, school-wide playlists, sport playlists, department playlists, etc. Pretty hard to deny.
@mguhlin You made me look into it... You might have a loophole.
@mguhlin This also exists... Seems to cover licensing for "public areas"
@mguhlin Ahh sorry. You already had cloudcover in the blog...
@mguhlin @brasst You are personally using it at work and other people just happen to hear it...?