Open carry of guns at American protests
In-depth piece by Mike McIntire well worth your reading time. Hope to find Mike over here.
Open carry of guns at American protests
@freemo thanks for that! Hope this unlock works : At Protests, Guns Are Doing the Talking
Open carry of guns at American protests
@mikecsees Tthat seems to work, thanks, I'll read.
re: Open carry of guns at American protests
Politics and guns
@mikecsees I saw this story and it seems like a real problem for Americans to come to grips with. How do you interpret certain amendments and also not threaten democracy itself in the process.
Politics and guns
Separation of protesters and counter protesters is a good underlying principle for harm avoidance, but how does that work when all the world's a (protest) stage? @mikebabcock
Politics and guns
@mikecsees Unfortunately, separation doesn't keep people from guns from scaring people away from their democratic rights (to vote, to protest, etc.) -- and its not an irrational fear given the near constant rate of gun violence in the US. Good luck? -- Canadian.
Open carry of guns at American protests
@mikecsees Paywall, no thanks.
Happy to read if you have a non-paywalled version.