If you're blind:
Does it help if we tag abstract art images in toots with an "alt" description? What kind of description do you appreciate?
(my take is: I label abstract paintings with just "abstract painting" so as to make them easy to ignore but I don't try to describe them because it would be futile in my opinion much like summarizing poetry)
@wayne_williams thank you!
@wayne_williams @mjambon Just out of interest and kind of challenge, what wouldn't you be able to summarise other than looking at them - could you give some examples or bookmark this post for the next time you see something - seems hard not to be able to it on so many levels.
@mjambon for me personally labeling it as abstract art is fine. I wouldn't ask someone to summarize poetry by poetries very nature. Using that same logic there are just some visual things that can't be accurately summarized any other way than looking at them.