@freemo Have things really started breaking? Can't see the graphs so was curious what's disintegrating as ew speak
@ner nvm just saw your blind. Shoukda red your bio first.
@freemo Totally blind. Know abou the badge issue at Twitter. It's interesting that there are actual measurable outage spikes now on Twitter. What happens when the curve goes totally vertical. Asymtotic death of twitter will be ... intersting? Sad?
@ner looks pretty damn close to vertical right now honestly...
Sad? Id say most people here will be celebrating.
@freemo Looks as if the follow issue I had is due to the version qoto is using. I the reason why qoto doesn't upgrade due to the custom code that we use?
@ner it is unlikely the issue is due to the version. Our version number doesnt track mastodon, we are a fork and our version has no meaning relative to the mastodon version.
@ner what exactly was your issue?
@freemo yep I’m aware. I just didn’t have the ability to follow hash tags. That’s a new development in mastodon chronology. Not an accessibility thing.
@ner oh we have had the ability to follow hashtags for ages now, long before vanilla mastodon. In fact dor us there are multiple ways to do it. You can add it directly to a column, or you can follow a hash tag... there are also favorite hashtags but thats a bit different. Set it in your oreferences if you want to follow them or in the column settings if you want to add it to a column.
@ner why cant you see the graphs?
It seems twitter outages are spiking the last hour or two. Musk had a neltdown and locked the doors to twitter and no one can keave or enter work.... the resukt is twitter is having outages and people are fleeing to here yet again.