Day #050 of #100DaysToOffload and I reach the point of no return.
@rw Well done on keeping going with the daily discipline.
@rw you've done far better than me. I'm on day 17 and I started on the day the challenge started (which I'm fairly sure is before you!). Oh well, we stagger onwards...
@rw hi there. I’m just curious, what features from Ghost are you looking into that’s not on right now?
@dino the main 'feature' isn't really a feature, more a hope: customisation.
What I am enjoying about Ghost is my coding ability is essentially the limit. While with, they have built a platform for a deliciously minimalistic audience (I count my self among such people), but some senses they have stripped things back a little too far.
Two key examples are search functionality and the inability to create more complex menu paths. Also, I am finding the sorting and navigation, now I am getting a sea of articles on my blog, somehing of a challenge in
But in Ghost, I can refine my search by tag, date published, author (if you have multiple contributors to your blog) etc. I can even sort by draft, published, scheduled or featured. Great tools to manage your writing.
@rw i totally agree with the issues you’ve brought up. Search is a major one. I was happy to get a glitch app working for search, but it is still not an ideal solution for me. You’re also right about the limitation on complex menu options. To get it to where other blogging platforms are, i think it will need a lot of javascript tinkering.
Thanks for explaining it to me. I’m looking forward to seeing the results if you do end up making the jump to ghost. Best of luck to you!
@rw Great work, half way to the 100 mark, Robert -- Kudos! 📝