Wikipedia usually will cite sources, however can be interpretational text or misrepresented from the citation. If you get the data closer to the original source, it's easier to validate.(official answer)
I agree, while it's complete crap, I found it easy enough to scroll to the bottom of the Wikipedia page, click the link to the corresponding citation, and voila, use the source from which the page was referenced.(official loophole)
Remember, one more click for you is one less click for professor Lazy Pants.(unofficial answer)
Have a good weekend Stephen 😃
@skanman @trinsec right? I think it's almost never a bad start. Sure, you need to cross check, but that's kinda normal. But compared to the rest of the Internet? E.g. Goggle's answers to questions? OMG! It's like they are trying to make kids suspicious of good sources of information, steering them heads on into the malström of BS.