On our walk with #IdąPsięta I felt something weird under my shoe on this road. Yes, some people call this a road. It is rarely used, by farmers who drive tractors to their fields and forests.
This is what we dug out of the road. They were spaced so a to make sure any car would puncture its tires. This is evil. The road is public. It leads to ruins of two houses, but it is used by technicians who often drive here to fix our electric cables, by people who come to gather mushrooms and berries. The only way to find them was by walking on them. I estimate about a dozen people walk here. Per month. Except for us and our dogs.
@szescstopni So, what's the thing you felt under your shoe on this road? You didn't get into details there!
@szescstopni Uh oh.
Well, I can say a murderous needle of my tree did go through my sole. That metal spike seems a bit too blunt to easily go through a sole?
@szescstopni Damn, that's evil. Good thing you removed them. Can such an incident be reported?
@trinsec I'll report it tomorrow, though I don't think anyone will do anything about it. This road is parallel to the one that leads to our house.
@szescstopni Witać, że robił jakiś fachowiec! ;-)
Fortunately it didn't go through the sole of my rubber shoe. We inspected it. And the area around.