I finished reading 'De Rat van Amsterdam' last night by Pieter Waterdrinker, it was quite an interesting read. In a way, the author mocked the current day society.. but also mocked the people who complained about this.
So the people who complain the most about their country and then try to find a new life in another country, are also the people who fuck up the most and then want to go back to their own country... the very country they complained and whined about to begin with. Grass isn't always greener on the other side I guess.
The charity lotteries were portrayed as giant scams (which they probably are, the ones hosting those lotteries sure manage to buy expensive stuff). This particular one in the story has huge similarities to our 'Postcodeloterij', a style of lottery where your zip code is the lottery number. I absolutely hate this one. Even if you didn't join in this scam, you know that "you lost the lottery" when the number falls on your zip code. It's a huge emotional blackmail for a lot of people so they join in anyway out of fear of missing the prize. It's just despicable, really. This lottery in the book manages to capture that sentiment extremely well, yigh! The author did a good job here.
There were a lot of subtle things in the book that I'm still trying to digest, but it was a pretty good read. I think I need to read something more happy next, less dystopian!