It's maybe not 100% what you wanted but as I see it there's two ways to go about this pre-emptively:
- Check @freemo pinned first toot, it'll point to the fediblock site which you can import and be reasonably assured that most bad actors are removed from your timelines. Anything else bad you see you probably can report to their admins with results.
- If the above isn't sufficient, you could consider moving to a 'walled garden' instance. They have their own downsides too (like blocking an instance that you were actually interested in following people to), but at least you might be fairly assured that you won't see bad actors, but others will decide which are bad actors and which are not.
That's how I see it at the moment. I wish the moderation tools and such were a lot better too.
But I see a lot of people really gearing up the ban-button for instances. If your users don't interact with those instances, you won't be bothered by them (meaning: probably some of your users are interested in those instances)
Be careful with blacklists, or whitelists: they will cause the fediverse to centralise ("get an account on mastodon.social, because it's the easiest way to be sure you're seen...")