My recommended first step towards a saner, more productive public conversation about #drugs: stop talking about certain (legal) drugs as if they were not, in fact, “drugs”
#BasketballAndSports #alcohol #DrugLegalisation #news #media
All that is interesting, but one can explain it referring to “alcohol and other drugs”, instead of “alcohol and drugs”, which is misleading. Right? That's my point.
@tripu When drinking alcohol and using cocaine, cocaethylene is made in the liver through a trans-esterification reaction. Sometimes it's really important to point out the alcohol and or cocaine as they both cause bad reactions with commonly used drugs. A Beta Blocker and cocaine is really bad. Alcohol and benzos cause a kindling effect.
Alcohol also has the ability to be completely eliminated from the body and not just infinitesimally close to being eliminated. See halflife and ask Mathematics or Physics Department.