@omegaman It strikes me that I heard such outlandish claims before Trump was elected last time. People shouting that kind of foolishness look only more discredited after so many of the last claims didn't turn out.
It's crying wolf.
And in the end, I would say that if you want to oppose Trump then the best thing you could do is point out how ineffective he is, what a loser he was, instead of promoting these nutty ideas that actually earn him more support from the nutty base who might vote for him.
If you want to oppose Trump, why not point out that he's not the strong leader that would deport all the Muslims, or whatever, to a erode his support from voters who want to see that?
@freemo Hey such profound factual ignorance isn't exactly a GOOD thing :)
Yeah I'm happy to strongly fault people for this kind of basic lack of knowledge, when it's not exactly rocket science or state secret. And I'm also happy to consider that it might be intentional blindness, which makes it even worse.
If a person wants to talk about a president but hasn't bothered learning what a president actually does (or lies to themselves about what a president actually does) then I think they can't move forward from that.
At that point they're not even thinking about this reality, regardless of any reasoning they might need to build on top of that base.
No doubt people like this "cant move forward" with any sort of a useful or sane conversation if they ignore the basics of how things work.