Translation to English via Libre Translate, hope this helps people
minimum of 18°C and maximum of 36°C in Ingazeirza- PE | climate catastrophe and desabafo
I'm feeling like I lived inside a sterilization machine, which warms up a lot and then cools too much to cause thermal shock and kill everything, including microorganisms like viruses and bacteria. that is bad, because it is a sign of being a desertification process.
desertification is when bacteria die that live in the soil. bacteria that are necessary to keep soil rich in nutrients. a soil without these bacteria is poor in nutrients.
if planting something on poor soil, the plant will be born and grow only until adolescence. and will not reach adult life which is when the plant should be harvested for consumption.
I've seen that happen before. it is very sad to try to plant a hectare of land. fertilizer the soil with the organic cow dung which is rich in bacteria. irrigate every day. and see all your work be thrown into the trash because the harvest dies before it gets good for consumption. Nor is the cattle more giving to create in some lands, because many of them are already starving to thirst.
and there is still elitist politician who lies to the people saying that it gives to continue deforestation in the parents why no climatic disasters are happening.
the image on this toot is any that copieied from the internet. but, well illustrates the quality of soil and vegetation that no longer sustains wildlife and not human.