What is your stance on SA land reform?
*aboot, soarry
what about hym
wait, in the same world/save/instantiation in the infinite multiverse defined by the archetypes established by the great gods of Nippon, linked together by interdimensional wormholes known only as Link Cables?
long post, psychology of interacting with a famous person.
Clarifying: they see Wil as "guy who played Wesley" and therefore "guy with higher status than me", so they play maniacal "NoTiCe Me SeNpAi" games to get his attention so they can put that on their status sheet (to comically exaggerate: "omigosh omigosh omigosh, Carrie, I got a toot from WIL WHEATON!" "*ugh* Jealous."), forgetting that Wil is also some guy who uses Mastodon to be goofy and socialize with people. (Presumably. I don't follow him, so.)
long post, psychology of interacting with a famous person.
Well, it makes (unfortunate) sense, since normal person you know is normal person you know and also generally have to interact with more than once so you can't afford to be *too* dickish or else the game's over, while famous person is defined in your memory by their façade, rather than their… I hesitate to say more real self, because Wil Wheaton did in fact play Wesley, but their more personal, normal, conversational self. So most people are dicks to famous people not out of any malice but because they're talking to the wrong person.
Or maybe my late-night Petersenpai-infused ramblings borne of procrastination just make no fucking sense.
Any poets out there? Share the best piece you ever think you've written, I'd love to read it. Click "read more" to read mine.
i wrote a bunch of poems for high school English class and they are an abomination against reality, so here's the reference implementation of the self-defining poem structure:
Five in first; last lines
Seven syllables between
That is a haiku
@Adoxographer@mastodon.social Well, that's a bad-faith argument if I've ever heard one.
Not to mention that the article completely misses the mark on the cause of the rise of Trump. Trump won the primary because he managed to get the mainstream media to hate him so much they gave him a billion and a half dollars in free ads so nobody knew who anyone else was, and then won the general because the opposing candidate was Captain Establishment "Pokémon Go to the Polls" herself.
I don't even know how the author jumped from "the media likes establishment hawk figures in the GOP like Ryan and McCain" to "Trump wins".
And I for one support entitlement cuts. It's not the Feds' job to do such things.
Rest in Peace Senator McCain
You showed greatness even if you didn't agree with someone. My respects. I didn't know this until ten minutes ago.
@QuantumHemp every time I try my craptop explodes 🙁
To be clear, I for one don't think Trump has broken the law, but he's got the rogue/outlaw persona down pat.
I heard a quote (from Klavan, if you care) that said that now that the culture has outlawed masculinity, the only masculine people left are outlaws.
Yeah, worried that the peak in (at least Western) animation quality that seemed to happen in the early 2010s is coming to a close. Wonder when the next one is going to be; banking on around 2028-30.
Hopefully Rick and Morty can tide us over until then now that Season 10 is paid for.
Or indies will find ways to pay for big projects.
We'll see what happens.