Does Public Key Infrastructure also work in the dark net such as Tor/Freenet?

If there is a root CA, how can decentralization be real?

@Acer because you still the one who generate the CA and sent it to some ca issuer that could vouch for your ca.



generate the ca or generate the cert?
Central Authority should not be the person await trust
Certificate should be generate by the central Authority not the user.

Issuer can vouch your…
Isn’t issuer the pki?

@Acer ah yes i must mixing thing up a bit.
I always refer certificate as “CA”.
Central Authority is just them vouching for your key


Look at my original question.
I knew they might be able to vouch people’s public key.
My question is how.

@Acer well. I can put my public key fp and then upload my photos later with me mentioning it on a paper.
That’s one way.

@deesapoetra @Acer Covid19 isn't real. The very concept of germ-virus theory is false:

The whole purpose of the vaccine is depopulation. The VAERS site says only 7000 people have died from the vaccine, but admit that less than 1% of cases are reported. That means 700,000 people have died, and the media has completely fucking ignored this. Also there are many reports of women having miscarriages and having abnormal periods after being either vaccinated or merely being in physical proximity of people who were vaccinated.

All of this info is verifiable and has been posted many, many times on halfchan /pol/. The info is easy to find if you look.

This is now your responsible to repost this, spread it, share it as widely as possible, and tell as many people as possible to NEVER TAKE THIS "VACCINE" which will most likely kill them at worst, or fully sterilize them at best.
vaccine 2.jpg

@K3M9F7W2AA Ah yes!
My friend told he had cold and suddenly he dropped dead tommorow morning.
It must be cold that’s killing him!


What is fp

The keypoint here seems to be the paper.
Why not just mention public key in the paper

@Acer well. Because fingerprint are unique. You can’t generate a key with same fingerprints twice and that i think is enough for a method of proof.


But that’s need to vouch for fingerprint first instead of public key

If you can do fingerprint vouch first, basically you needn’t pki

You still need it if your key meant to be used as your main way to connect with people.
Are you satisfied with only one people trusting you ? Are people gonna think the same as you ?
And that’s why PKI makes everything easier.


you can just use your key with your fingerprint
You public key can be public without pki

Pki makes things easier possibly not due to fingerprint


you can…
…without pki.

Yes you can always do that. but wouldn’t it also serve the same purpose as using PKI too? I mean both way you upload you key fp or public key content anyway.

PKI makes things easier…
… Fingerprint.

Yes. It make things such as vouching became so much easier.


Upload fp might not be the standard way.
Pki can t vauch fp more easily than to vauch key

@Acer well. Since you upload your key to a key server, your need to share your key to someone is not an issue. They can always pull it from the server.

And instead of uploading your public key to your social media as a method of proof that you own the key after putting it on keyserver.
You can just wrote your fingerprints and took photos with you holding it.
It’s just convinient. Since you can’t generate a key with the same fingerprints twice (if it did met current standard).

@Acer ofc! The key point is trust (if you only exchange your key to one person only) and WOT.


key concept is trust.
But I need more on protocol rather than concept

@Acer you can’t have a fixed protocol for an asymetrical encryption, it always change as computing power became buffed overtime, at least that’s what current limitation for asymetrical encryption. (Well maybe because it’s asymetrical in the first place?)


pk cert

but web widely using pki

If you look at cert of websites like twitter or amazon


But they didn’t write fp paper and do upload fp things

@Acer I thought we still talks about PKI vouching in asymetrical encryption.
Pardon me then. When it comes to web encryprion, they used both asymetric and symetrical encryption.

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