how to select
`pid number`
and pipe then to next command in terminal?
echo -e "users:(("postgres",pid=1644,fd=3))" | grep -oP '(?<=pid=).*(?=,)'
Thanks I ll try to learn the options and the expression
grep -options PATTERNS
I didn't find definitions about this.
Grouping with Parentheses
is a positive look-ahead assertion
is a positive look-behind assertion
I have one I cannot understand
what's the difference between
Whenever you use a grep regular expression at the command prompt, surround it with quotes, or escape metacharacters (such as & ! . * $ ? and \) with a backslash (\).
Assume the string is in parameter x then...
y=${x##*pid=}; echo ${y%%,*}
This is a way to do it without launching any additional processes.
(Note: There may be a way to nest these parameter expansions into one expression, but I don't know how to do that, if it's possible.)
When I tooted the first toot, it thought that the stars were to highlight text for italics, that's why they didn't print in the first toot. So, I made it an image instead.
This is "parameter expansion" in BASH.
man bash
section "Parameter Expansion"
thanks I ll check the section
echo 'users:(("postgres",pid=1644,fd=3))' | sed -E 's/^.*pid=([0-9]+).*$/\1/'