The vile and toxic shit I've been dealing with from outtside of QOTO has put my stress levels to a point I've never expiernced before... It is effectively my health both mental and physical. I am having trouble sleeping, and is very quickly moving from anxiety to depression to a point where it is very dangerous for my health..

My blood pressure is so high right now it would be enough to get me admitted to the emergency room alone.

The really messed up part is if all these lies and toxicity wind up killing me these people are so horrible they would probably dance on my grave....

Frankly im not sure where to go from here. But I do want to say thank you foe the overwhelming support from so many of you, it helps.


My bottom line: Your server your rules => thumbs up from here.
That I liked the rule and goals, is why I chose this server.

"While we allow questions and conversation regarding these topics in general, doing so in bad faith will result in immediate expulsion."

In another (less charged) context:
Kathryn Hayhoe, has useful scale of people she suggests people need to talk to.
There are some percentage of them (dismissives) that in the end we wont need to persuade in order to achieve powerful strong action on climate change.
As small qualified counterpoint:
(I can make the case to, (at times, to some extent,) engage with even the dismissives, so as to demonstrate to the others what the dismissives really are, but 'legitimising' the concern 'OMG it gets dark at night' and its 'the sun stupid'. Giving that oxygen can backfire.)
I also commend to you, the idea of conceptually validating the rules, in contexts like the above.

Translating to the QOTO context:
I don't see QOTO as being literally QOTO. But more accurately,
QOTO about STEM (or the things that interest STEM people).

Hence while unlike Kathryn QOTO doesn't have a clear direction called progress. Promoting good faith discussion, stopping bad faith actors burning it down, is less tangible but is the objective.
For me: if someone really has negative value to learning of themselves and others... then they made mistake and don't belong on QOTO.

anything, _you_ are ever going to agree to 'expel', wont be interesting to me. Even in a scatological sense.
I wont as a result be missing anyone I get value from talking to or reading.

and noting I have indeed talked to Flat earthers, and the thing I was trying to teach myself, is just what sort of mind and internal belief and analysis system can genuinely believe that. Or is it always, like the 'Ban Dihydrogen Monoxide' group I was a very early member of.

But yes discussing "banning di hydrogen monoxide", while seemingly failing "has negative value to learning of themselves and others..." is on the level of "a cautionary tale" funny. But if there was enough of it, it would also be a problem

Hence I like, not so much rules, as people making decisions about what benefits QOTO. And in the end all conduct prejudicial to the good order and discipline of QOTO can go. And yes for good people to make good decisions, having guidleines is beneficial, as is discussion of them (hence this post)

ta. && Pls Look after yourself. They (the dismissives), are not worth your BP.

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QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
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