So I will be releasing my own cryptocurrency in the next few months.

I'd love to hear everyone's opinions on what characteristics make for a good cryptocurrency.


@freemo A trick for greedy people to further data analytics fields? Knowledge is priceless.

@AmpBenzScientist Arent all cryptos already providing much of that data?

@freemo Afaik, Folding at home had the best performance and outperformed all known super computers. Imagine if that was wasted on blockchain. It wasn't, humanity came together in goodwill.

@AmpBenzScientist We have proof of stake architectures and many others.. its not a one or the other thing.

@freemo Maybe you could get enough funding to do "research" with your own dam. :3

@AmpBenzScientist Funding isnt an issue for me. But I am debating certain properties of the coin im designing and what i want to code into it.

@freemo Maybe a qubit like split so there are multiple tokens that correspond to what would be a single token.

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