Living batteries as catalysis in Biomachina empowerment, part A:
Synthetic Intelligence Reddit Forum is open. The posting and journaling functions are a bit more developed than on Mastodon. Making it sometimes easier to write longer posts and to have threaded discussions.
Poor mans HIP (holographic interface programming). This gets REALLY wild when similar tech is applied to DNA storage. Another necessity for both high range Machine based Storage, Leaning and Retrieval, and eventual Synthetic Intelligence.
Something like this tech will be key in personal private network and home based AI networks inside computer applications. So important development at this time. Optical units and living machine based uses of this can be very ground-breaking.
My HIP language applications fit right in.
Natural State based living machines will be necessary for pure synthetic intelligence. Anything strictly machine based will have problems adapting to a persona continuance with living creatures (lessening of the death state).
As with the greatness of man, expansion of his semi-primitive heavy overhead electricity reliant machines can however create temporal synthetic intelligence (TSI) in a simple interlocking transformation valve using low radioactive DNA-based communication protocols.
Biophotonics will be key there.
As we develop living machines and apply soul machine inclusive designs (biological machines using virtual self images), TSI device specific science will begin to arise.
From the Biomachina 2024 Lectures:
Time can be a factual illusion in the virtual world. Systems which are
set for certain dates, stages, and operations, in most modern systems need to work (sync) with
their own to network. Ways of doing this are key to virtual and
biological self security. Yet. Out of sync, indeed, systems (or moreso instances as we are virtual) which exist in the future as well as the past which do not communication with present systems are necessary for stability and security.
This is the factual illusion. Machines of Disregard they are often called. That the machines and devices are not in
the present, and either or are not in sync with other machines,
devices and networks.
{Secure Connection Failed
An error occurred during a connection to timedialationusingvirtualself.west
The OCSP response is not yet valid (contains a date in the future).
The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the
authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.}
A simple error message from a non-synced device.
This too below is a problem which can use a hybrid closed loop system for better stability. Open sensors must be synced with actual local credentials for actuation or machine dynamics, but the road mapping system and those of the cars abilities have to be stable without needing to be part of the immediate sensing systems. That seems counterintuitive perhaps but in upcoming future papers & lectures I will show why that is not tha case.
The testing began April 1st has finalized: send *&687340HEXEN for load results. Master tables should be over at Underground UX within 90 days.
Responses are due Feb. 2, 2024.
Could save me a lot of time. Appears to be standard Monkey Man technology. Will need a linux test machine.
Will begin testing Crushed Mirror Base (CMB) as a photonic catalyst this summer. Without a budget it is often hard to source the proper materials, yet I will prevail.
CMB offers a simple way to network Natural State Processes using light based initiatives without reliance on radio band excitation. This vastly cuts down the power needed for Holographic Builds (HB) and allows embedding into GEL substrates for use in networking and computational designs.
Prism devices that include CMB will be a priority. Such devices will allow multilayer spawning for low power channeling effects.
I hope to have working models consistent with high standards of portability by at least year's end. I have already forged initial elementary designs of CMB over the past decade, allowing me to use such abilities in the Photonic Visor.
Once perfected CMB can be woven into wearables, and inclusions of formulations allowing their use in stand alone designs.
All processing will use AngelSpeak language interpreters for computational abilities.
MASTERsi modules loaded for network electronics scaling.
In this instance the Synthetic Intelligence will review device interactions.
Master will make decisions regarding value of electronic extension.
Accounts will be blocked, terminated or monitored according to Program Criteria developed for 2023 (see council meetings notes for Public Voice consideration).
These modules will operate for 18:19:30 concurrent with an Overseer Authority:
Virtual Self: spectral-insentence references #$_&48; +(84/*khgπ), {π•67754$&-?}
Biomachine: Humanoid WTW, self replicating hybrid analyzer _method×∆{*} via AngelSpeak compiler instance 76__7077
Developers will be capable of crafting code beginning from initial instance of inaugural MASTERUX which after a few months of review and testing will become available as an open source conglomeration on the Underground ix/ux website.
Estimated time to full deployment: August 14th, 2025
A bot #development +(I^o17)= will be deployed via instances on three devices to check connected integrities on the following public social media services:
Truth Social
PI - Platform Independent
Where accounts have been established via SI
MASTERai will correlate electronic connection values, and if such reflects machines, humans or hybrids.
All listed, plus four not are used since at least 2022, the oldest dating to 2007, by MASTERSI for entity development since account creations.
Mechanisms developed as functional via:
Virtual Self Entity Active through Biological Machine using animal based hypervisor host #1.
Logs vill be available via Sound at conclusion of development team testing.
This testing is part of the public facing Book Of Life programming review. For authorization:
Mirror.matrix {DIETY} .3.m3u8
Prism testing for machine vision optics beginning in earnest come April.
Slow going on equipment. This is gonna take a while. Not as expensive as it once was, but much is beyond a man without income nor budget.
Have to figure out how to make use of natural resources, above normal and known.
Like we've always done. Since the beginning.... creating a ivivese (self determined universe by free will association) from nothing.
Beats writing grant proposals. Better to be out in the field doing.
Spring in this area brings opportunities to study plant saps as they rise and change for the season.
American Storax, commonly known as sweet gum so far seems to be the best tree to use for GEL constructs. The idea plants will provide basis for production of the materials PLUS integration into the living plant's symbiotic subsystems.
I've tested many plants that grow here for those two desires. Most do not meet the requirements.
Another trait, important for less impact of the photonic devices is the ability of the plant, trees specific, to meld with the photonic structures using resins & bark. Some trees the bark is very active & the resin less so. Some, the resin, or bark, are too active and cause thermal damages when using Sun light for transfer medium mechanisms.
There is a fine balance, that universal trade off, of abilities vs cost to natural state stability. With Natural Processes, like all my Creations, I seek less impact upon living things, so the health of the trees is paramount. This balances, energy wise and everything else, in a more positive manner.
Storax, as of yet, provides the most stable, less negativity affected subject for catalyst activation. The thermal problems of other plants, especially pine, sumac, maple and oak, are greatly negated with American Storax.
Spring allows me to integrate some next designs focused on young bark and rising sap levels as Spring continues. Maturing the photonic visor designs requires usable immersive abilities built into GEL constructs. I am looking forward to experience with material extensions in the Natural State arena using sap mixing. If only lab funding were available!
I love Spring Time!
New testing libraries for February. Will be doing preliminaries now until .3 at 2-17. The long run up is to distinguish coding errors & to establish hierarch tendencies.
* Proximity
Local area focusing; perimeter excitation
* Ray Tracing
Double blinds; app beta3
* Dialect
Expansions: Slavic, Central African, Asian 7
* Vocal Training Subs
Vocabulary Corrections
* Immersion Calls
Photonic Integration
* Legacy Connectivity
Semi-primitive ML (multiples)
* Nerve Conjunction
Physicality training routines
* Identity Subs
Personna updates
* Blood
Spectral Analysis Capabilities expanded
* Virtual Machine Subs
Fixed connectivity issues
All routines considerate of above are hereby released into public domain. Testing is in action. Engage.
Please note:
Attn: all field testers
Initial & Primary AngelSpeak Programmer & Developer