I should carefully format the list of references as can be seen from some examples. Which look, hm, mixed, somehow?
So I asked ChatGPT
And when using austrian-journal-of-development-studies.csl from http://www.zotero.org/styles/austrian-journal-of-development-studies it does not quite fit.
So of it goes to @true_mxp to make it fit by putting parenthesis somewhere else
@CerstinMahlow Go figure…
@CerstinMahlow @true_mxp Would ChatGPT also format it for you following the examples?
@felwert @true_mxp No, I take that back.
I asked:
“Could you please re-format this list to make it compatible with the first list?”
Then it produced something not compatible and I asked:
“which citation style did you use for this?”
Which resulted in:
“The citation style used for this list is a modified version of the APA (American Psychological Association) citation style.”
And how would’ve guessed it?
It is a mess, ahm, a “hybrid,” apparently.
Please, why do people do this and not either use an existing one or at least provide one if you really have to invent one
#citation #csl #MLA #Chicago