WTF #Universeodon !!! it defederated itself!!! fuck that shit!
@ClaraListensprechen4 What do you mean?
I mean that the menu doesn't have a Federated selection. Everything on there is local OR people I've already followed, ergo I can't follow new people or read new posts.
I am now in the process of downloading my particulars and I'm bugging outta there.
@ClaraListensprechen4 interesting, the opposite of what fedibird did.
Not familiar with fedibird.
@ClaraListensprechen4 its a japanese server, not popular outside of japan
@freemo @ClaraListensprechen4 Looks like #Universeodon is still federating as of yet
@realcaseyrollins @freemo
realcasey if they're still federated they're keeping it to themselves. It's no longer a menu selection.
@ClaraListensprechen4 @realcaseyrollins
Thry are federated just not showing the tineline is all.
@ML2 @ClaraListensprechen4 @freemo Yep, I think it’s a new #Mastodon change. and a good one IMHO
@realcaseyrollins @ML2 @ClaraListensprechen4
The federated feed is a bit useless, cant remember the last time i used it... that said i like our users to have the option
@freemo @realcaseyrollins @ML2
I'm happy for you if you never use the Federated feed. I use it primarily.
So it's a new software change that simply left me hanging. Lifting a glass to stuff that doesn't leave me hanging.
@ClaraListensprechen4 @realcaseyrollins @ML2
Yea i will make it a poi t to keep it in qoto for sure.. i may not use it but it makes sense to keep for those who do.
@freemo @realcaseyrollins @ML2
Thank you very much for that, Dr. Freemo. I fully expect I'm not the only one who goes to read Federated first. It's how hashtag games get done, among other things like news feeds.
@freemo @realcaseyrollins @ML2
Yeah Dr, I like your attitude. When I use Block or Mute I use it on sports and Wordle things, and bots whose topics I'm not interested in. It's handy that way.