WTF #Universeodon !!! it defederated itself!!! fuck that shit!
@ClaraListensprechen4 Hu, wha? Why did they defederate? Glitch?
Well, they're not offering the Federated option in the menu. If they're still federated, it's pretty dang limited.
@ClaraListensprechen4 Ctrl-F5 to make sure? I can't believe they would defederate.
Ctl-F5 won't put "Federated" back on the menu. If they're still federated, they're being stingy with it.
@ClaraListensprechen4 If I check the Universeodon feed on their front page and check some of the replies, they're still getting replies from out of their instance, though. So they're not cut off I think. Something must've glitched? Have you asked the admin there about this?
@ClaraListensprechen4 Mm, is it not called # Explore now with the newer Mastodon versions?
Now that you mention it, I'm not seeing Explore either.
@ClaraListensprechen4 Put /explore after the instance domain in the url to see?
Well, if that's required it should be in some sort of easy-access tutorial or hint system. Turnkey software doesn't do commandlines, seems to me.
@ClaraListensprechen4 Oh absolutely, but it's a way to determine if it's still federating if that option is still there. :)
Not sure what you mean with Turnkey software though.
The general definition of turnkey software is that any dummy can click on a button or url link without having to have any technical knowledge e.g. how to add slash extensions on any given url.
Expression comes from an auto where you just turn the key and it's operational as is.
@ClaraListensprechen4 Aaahh, that. Yes, I absolutely agree. But at the moment we're troubleshooting, then turnkey software be damned until we're sure of certain things. Like: Is Universeodon in a way still Federated? I think it is. But then the next step: Can you somehow get Explore on your screen in one way or another?
Okay, I put the /explore after the domain name an NOW it appears on the menu. That's just bonkers, ha. It did work tho.
Well that sucks bilgewater. Federated is my main go-to.
@ClaraListensprechen4 It's now called Explore looks like, and 'local timeline' is apparently called 'Live Feeds' now.
Me no like. Ick,
@ClaraListensprechen4 Me neither. 'Home' and 'Local' and 'Federated' timelines were pretty obvious imo. 'Live Feeds' isn't, even Federated could have been live.
Not only that but to get to the "other servers" feed puts it on 2nd tier hierarchy. I want it up where I can see it right off.
@ClaraListensprechen4 Yea, new Mastodon has changed a few things here and there. The old Federated line doesn't seem to work anymore (I tried with my backup account on