I absolutely abhor news sites that make you turn off your ad blocker only to reveal their paywall.

Podcasting 2.0 May 17th 2024 Episode 180: "Serial Churn"
Adam & Dave are solving ALL of podcasting's problems today in the Board Room! l.curry.com/fKY

Columbines off the Rock Island Trail in Lee's Summit

I don’t like how gambling is so integrated with sports tv now.

@adam and @Johncdvorak Thanks for your hard work on the BPITU. Episode 1579, "Cash over Country" was a BANGER (as the kids say).

Thanks for 15+ years of critical media deconstruction. Please never find an exit strategy. ITM

It was just a few days ago that I was spontaneously praising @kevin for his work transforming Bloomberg’s culture with respect to open source. You could do much worse than hiring him.

Kevin P. Fleming  
In case you haven't heard, Red Hat is laying off people today, and I'm one of them. My 'career' as a Hatter lasted just over 15 months, much less t...

@adam @Johncdvorak last day of 2023 will be 123123, might be a good donation drive. It's also a show day.

More fluidity is achievable in web writing than the rigid form of Wordpress, but first you have to let go of the idea that Wordpress is the only format for web writing,

Reading Stolen Focus. The chapter, "The Collapse of Sustained Reading", revealed that the screen is "training" us to read differently.

We tend to skip and scan when reading on screens. But if we do it long enough, it will bleed onto other areas, causing us to read on paper the same way. - Anne Mangen, professor of literacy at Stavanger University in Norway

#Reading #StolenFocus #AmReading #NonFiction

Apparently you can't read my post on micro.blog without logging in. So here's a screen shot of the post. Sorry for the screwup.

Show thread

From en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Bro about Fred Brooks: "The most important single decision I ever made was to change the IBM 360 series from a 6-bit byte to an 8-bit byte, thereby enabling the use of lowercase letters. That change propagated everywhere." May his memory be a blessing.

Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia: lessons for democracy of 1989 Velvet Revolution in Czechoslovakia: lessons for democracy of 1989

November 17 is the anniversary of the 'Velvet Revolution' in Czechoslovakia when in 1989 after massive protests in the country the Communist regime stepped aside and a democratic youtube.com/watch?v=opIOZ1r-Pq source : UATV English #Ukraine

Our hearts swelled reading this @gauteweb ♥

We launched Vivaldi Social, our #Mastodon instance, just yesterday. Chcek it out: social.vivaldi.net

US Political inteference in Ecuador. 

was used as a bargaining chip by the US when the USA meddled in Ecuador election!


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