Qoto != Goto Yet, when first I glanced at Qoto, I saw Goto, that infamous #Fortran statement responsible for mountains of spaghetti code. I then saw what it really stood for and immediately signed up.
Qoto, to me, means #reading to learn or teach ourselves. How else really? Watching or hearing do not quite measure up to reading, especially physical books that you hold. In bed, paperbacks are preferred; hardcovers can be dangerous if you’re drowsy.😩
The best way I found to see if I’ve learned something from reading is to write down a synopsis. Not so easy. How about writing something original? I have great admiration for all writers of: #novels, #short stories, #history, cook books, text books, technical specifications, how-to books, etc. etc. I’d go out on a limb and say, the art of writing is significantly more difficult than either creating a painting or composing a piece of music. Please note that I said art, not science.
In this internet age, much of our reading is in snippets. TL;DR So, here’s a poll for the longest time you’ve spent reading in one sitting recently. (excepting this toot)
@freemo So lemme ask directly, I made an account here on Qoto thinking folks here might be interested in what I write about science, the chemical industry, and corporate sustainability. Was I on the mark or is that not really the vibe on this server? Here’s an example: https://cen.acs.org/business/economy/case-direct-air-capture/100/i10