Traditionally in america I was always left leaning, but in modern times I'm strongly anti-left in the USA.
Oddly in the usa i lean right of center, in the netherlands I lean strongly left.
Funny how that works. If the left just cut out the violence and anti-free speech nonsense I'd happily go back to supporting them in the USA again.
If you post something on social media, you are explicitly inviting people to comment and share their opinions. If that is not your intent then set privacy settings accordingly.
Regardless if you post something and are offended by respectful differences of opinion, and go so far as to silence those opinions, then **you** are the problem.
If you expect people to listen to your views on blast without giving them the common decency to reply, and be listened to in return, its time for you to reevaluate yourself because you are likely the perfect example of why the world is falling apart right now.
Just a reminder that you have absolutely no obligation to explain or justify your server to @isolategab . This account has a repuation for cyber-bulling and terrorizing people on the fediverse.
I'd recommend just ignoring or maybe muting them, your instance looks really cool man welcome!
@_ is there some double meaning? why is there a donut
What evidence do you have this djitter has any "bigots" in it? You're sterotyping a random server based on its skin
You guys realize you're protesting a skin right? Eventually their gab skin will be forked again and again and protesting it will look even dumber than it already does.
"anyone that runs a server with a skin i dont like is a nazi"
its like the meme but real life, you are a meme. You are what people laugh about lol
"everyone i dont like is a nazi" holy fuck *screenshots... sends to friends*
Gab & spinster users worried about #isolategab organizing
i dont know any gab user who's offended by people talking
What happend to bitcoin
@CampaignAgainstSexRobots wait do you want us to sign this?
@art do u have gab blocked?
@epik I think a good name is one that can be said like "just google it"
"just altsearch it" works i think
@CCoinTradingIdeas i dig it. money is fun.
@freemo ah well ive barely read anything on it. I don't really give a crap. The more people getting banned from legacy social media the better... maybe people will wake up and stop using it