# Minecraft: request for explanation
So I downloaded Minecraft demo to see what is it what is it what all the kids around rave about. Call me a "late adopter".
Alright, I get it. Or so I think. You can destroy stuff and thereby "mine" materials, sometimes you can find something and get it. I learned how to dig myself out of a deep hole, how to drown, get killed by a zombie, how to build some simply blocky structures. So far, so good.
What I am not getting is what is the whole point. Where's the fun part?
I know, this is a silly remark. I grew up in a world of Princes of Persia, Doom, various flight and car simulators, etc. Those games have a clear hook, a clear objective, etc. You start it, you get it, you go on. I now see kids playing Roblox and what I think is this: if anybody would tell me 20-30 years ago that this would be a thing, I would laugh my head off (same way as if anybody would tell me in 2005 that phones won't get smaller, but rather larger - whatever, I tend to be wrong mostly 😐 ). Still in Roblox you can interact with characters and some of the games have a competitive spin, so I still grok those. But Minecraft? I feel like a stupid old fart who's just staring at the screen not having a clue how this could have become the "best-selling game of all times" (c.f. Wikipedia)
**Can somebody enlighten me on how to play Minecraft so as to "get the point quickly"?**
I mean, I want to play it a bit with fun and perhaps have fun with my kids with it too, I just want to "get it" sooner then they will :-).
This is be probably one of my more embarrassing posts :-D.
@piggo I see you posting some Minecraft pics, could you please help me with this? What do you do in that game so that it captivates you?
@piggo @FailForward
I play the java version as well. It might load a bit slow, but ye gods, the amount of modpacks is staggering and there's a lot more freedom how you want to set up your game.
It does mean that it is not available for mobile and switch. I also doubt it's crossplatform compatible.
I've never tried the other versions than the java one. I know my nephew plays it on his switch, so probably the bedrock one there. Vanilla the java and other versions are largely similar.