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Did you see the news that all of the #JWST instruments are aligned now?

Check out this comparison of one of the newly released calibration images from the MIRI instrument compared to images taken of the same region of space by the WISE and Spitzer space telescopes! Look at that resolution! So many newly resolved stars and structures! 🤩

I can't wait for all the new discoveries we'll make with JWST! #Science data starts in only a couple months!

(Image from @/AndrasGasper on birdapp)

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Another poppy seed cake. Sort of a classic this one. Yet, one of my favourites.


Ukraine conflict Black Sea 

And here is a dedicated Ukrainian farmer, going out of his way to tow back some pieces of the Moskva back to land.

Also, an apt computer comparison.

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Diesmal war ich spontan im Schau- und Sichtungsgarten, wo gerade alles voller Tulpen ist :) #oneLeahADay

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Sci-fi short story 

They invented general artificial intelligence

At great expense

Years of research, vast resources expended

But they succeeded

A computer programme—the seat of subjectivity, a being with moral status

All because a billionaire wanted to kill something in his video game that could suffer,

And so he could do something profoundly


It turns out, my dog is really fond of cooked celery and parsnip. Who would have guessed it… 🤔

Be not afraid. Faith sees best in the dark.

– Joe Biden (citing John Paul II and Søren Kierkegaard)


@jwildeboer I realized now that maybe those embedded response did not reach you. My apologies. I am going to forward them too.

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Come on! That is again a bit too gloomy outlook. I always saw Germany as a tanker. It moves slowly, but once it changes direction (which takes a lot of energy!), it’s hard to stop.

It took a war for Germany to recognise that something needs to change with its military, now it did (I only hope it will be able to stop one day before that historically frightening overcompensation kicks in).

It took a while for Germany to even start the Energiewende and then it went on. Is it as fast as we wish? No. Is it done already? No. I have some hopes there.

And I see many such small things Germany gets right. Maybe not on the first attempt, but eventually.

In my view, Germany has one big power: it’s hesitant, but once it commits to something, for better, or worse, it follows through.

So we’ll fix it now. Why to shed tears over stuff we already screwed up?

We are at a point of history where every single decision will have negative consequences. That on the one hand feel constraining. I rather see that as we recognise and accept that pain of the magnitude X is inevitable (and maybe that was impossible before), it suddenly opens new avenues for solutions. But again we need to kill the holy cow of Wohlstand first.

The thing is, I personally think, that cow is already dead, most people just don’t realise it yet. It died with Russian boots entering Ukrainian soil and the first sanctions we imposed. We are now in a period of coming to terms with it. Methinks.

Well, yes. Half of EU is now with the back against the wall about the gas. At the same time, though, we see credbible points of view (to me - I am no energy expert and don’t want to be, I try to trust those who are) which claim, we can survive the cutt-off. Will it hurt? Sure, like hell. Will it be quick? Unfortunately not, it will take us a couple of years. Will we manage? I am convinced we can make it and so seem to be others. The only obstacle we need to overcome is the holy cow of Wohlstand.

If a nation ever stops to think about what has happened to it, and what has been done with its consent, it will find thousands of ways to justify it.

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