I have no prior knowledge of low level programming.
My question to all.
Should I jump straight into Rust ?
or should I do C, C++ in order to fully understand the abstractions in rust?
@seb @freemo @jump_spider -- please help and do tag pro coders and builders like yourself (I don't wanna waste all my time here discussing politics, need to make friends with knowledgeable people).
#rust #programming #systems #functionalprogramming #STEM
ps - where do i donate to qoto
@seb @freemo @jump_spider I wanna some day work in defence.
Cyber security specifically
They say #sandworm was written in python and then in rust.
But I don’t want to miss out on the funamentals. But i also don’t wanna punish myself as you said.
If i pick a task too tough I might end up loosing interest.
Yea its good to start where you have fun, sure. Just keep in mind in the long run not to become one of those one trick ponies. I know far too many coders who try to do everything in that one language they love and nothing else... They tend to be horrible programmers :( If you are a hammer everything starts looking like nails :)
Golden words. Will keep in mind !!
@Full_marx @seb @freemo @jump_spider C++? Definitely not. C? Same abstractions you’ll see in Rust, but they look terrible and require infinitely more pickiness. Don’t torture yourself.
@tek @seb @freemo @jump_spider
There isn't much course material on Rust yet plus it's not that popular in the Industry either...yet.
But considering I am not in a hurry, I'll do Rust I guess. I can always come back to C, C++.
I think I'm getting the drift now.
I'd say a good programmer should never be locked into a single language or even a small handful of languages. They all bring vital understanding to know even if you may work with one language at a time.
With that said if your looking to be a great programmer absolutely learn C, C++, even assembly, right along with Rust, Haskell, Lisp, Ruby, Java, learn it all. I picked that list of language because they each bring different paradigms to the coder that are very important to understanding and for thinking algorithmically as well as understanding the low level system and the abstractions we design on top of it.
@freemo @tek @seb @jump_spider
Oh my this list is too long!! 😅
Yes most paradigms in most languages are the same.
But then somebody comes along and says C has memory pointers and I have no clue what that means but I start chasing it and dreaming of being this boss coder that codes only in Assembly😆
A while back, I bought a bunch of courses on algorithms and data structures. They are gathering dust now.
Must commit to a better study plan. Politics keeps distracting me.
I have this desperation within where I wanna learn a language that allows me to build something functional right away. Quickly. i am very near sighted that way.
But then again, programming is about patience. spending an entire day bug-fixing only to realise that you missed a semicolon somewhere is part of and parcel of this trade.
@Full_marx From my point of view rust is not a very good beginner language. It's aimed at eliminating a specific class of problems, that is useful for large projects with many collaborators, but hard to comprehend in context of small toy programs.
C++ on the other hand is very much opt-in in its features, so you can take baby steps with sophistication of your programs, encounter some of those problems rust solves, and decide for yourself if you like/want the solution.
This is exactly how I’m thinking right now.
But that whole, missing out on latest features thing is nagging me as well.
I’m gonna end up flipping a coin.
@Full_marx Rust has vocabulary and explicit guidance for concepts like ownership and thread-safety, which also exist in C, but informally.
Rust -> C will make you know what you're doing.
C -> Rust will require you to unlearn some habits.
@Full_marx @seb @freemo @jump_spider This is a tough question to answer. If you have experience in another object oriented language jumping into Rust might be the proper direction if you want to use the latest tech.
If you’ve never done any object oriented programming C could be a good start because the language is tiny. Only a few keywords. It could serve to help you understand memory management – you have to do it yourself – and pointers and memory addresses.
@fahrni @seb @freemo @jump_spider
I am working on web projects for now JS PHP.
I’m doing this on the side.
The main reason I’m doing it is because I want a fundamental understanding of how low level systems work. I don’t intend to code in C.
A bunch of people have told me it is very important to learn about memory pointers if you wanna get deep into pen testing, cybersecurity etc.
My question is. Does Rust assume prior fundamental understanding of memory management.
Because I believe Rust was built to solve security and other issues.
@Full_marx @seb @freemo @jump_spider I believe Rust is a very good choice if you’d like to avoid the thornier issues around memory management. 👍🏼
@Full_marx @freemo @jump_spider I say: Jump right into Rust. No need to punish yourself with lower level programming languages, unless you need to program very limited hardware.