I’ve seen this Kamala 2020 ad a dozen times today. It doesn’t get old.
I never saw it when it first ran. It has aged amazingly and I hope they play it on repeat.
Ok we all need another #doomscrolling break!
Boop the chonky boi before continuing on your journey
Sometimes I'm like why did it take me so long to try R and realize it's not that hard and then other times I'm like oh yeah on one of the first big research projects I was ever on a tenured faculty sneeringly said "well do you think you can calculate an average? Can you at least do that?" when I asked if I could sit with the main author doing the modeling to learn and then they disinvited me from all the analysis meetings
My boss said a dumb thing today.
We were talking about my land and taking the decks apart and what I want to do with the cedar logs and so on.
And at some point, I can't really remember for sure, we were talking about me needing a truck at times, maybe? That my little Kia won't be able to manage some things, then she said,
"And there's times when you just need a man."
I laughed and moved on in my brain to other things so I would not offend my boss, but I want to say:
Um. No.
I love men, I love good men. I've never been successful at choosing a good one but in theory, I know they exist and I like the idea of them.
But I don't need a man so I have someone to do the heavy lifting. I don't need a man to have the home I'm working toward. I need me. I need my friends and neighbors. I need to work hard and hire help occasionally or even just do without if I can't do it myself.
For me to want a man in my life so he can open pickle jars and drive a truck and lift heavy things is no different than a man wanting me in his life to cook his meals and do his laundry.
I'm not doing that.
I don't NEED a man.
Can we please get out of the cave era where I can't be happy or have the things I want unless a man is there to help me?
Thank you.
Here is probably the best picture of Doots I’ve ever taken. I thought maybe y’all needed to see it today too. I just took it last night while we were playing.
Go play with your cat. You’ll feel better.
If you are a cat, go play with your human.
Happy Dootsday!
#AllCatsAreBeautiful #Dootsday #DootsToots #CatsOfMastodon #Cats #Cat #LynxPointSiamese #OneEyedCats
This is bonkers. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearing_polymorphs Some pharmaceutical crystals can no longer be synthesised because they now spontaneously change to a more stable (but less medically efficacious) form. The more stable form acts as a seed crystal for the less stable form, and once this happens it creates a cascading effect, in which people who have ever worked with the stable form can contaminate an entire factory/lab and make it unable to reproduce the earlier form.
There are so many quotable parts in this lmao https://ludic.mataroa.blog/blog/i-will-fucking-piledrive-you-if-you-mention-ai-again/
"Mr. Brecheen was 22 years old on 9/11 and a healthy, able-bodied young man. He could have enlisted that day or in the many years afterward, but he did not. He declined to serve his country in uniform during a time of war. But more than 300,000 women *have* enlisted since 9/11."
@thomasfuchs have you heard of the Cromenco Cyclops? It uses a decapsulated 1 kilobit DRAM chip as the image sensor and can be built from plans in Popular Electronics (Feb 1975). Here's a selfie at an astounding 32x32 pixels:
My "we have heard the baseless cries of ‘you are going to kill someone’ way too often" T shirt has a lot of people asking questions answered by my shirt.
Father, Fiancé, Volunteer EMT, (conflicted) Veteran, Computer Geek, Perpetual Student. Command line kind of guy (he/him) Very amateur woodworker, crude sketcher, proud nerd, liberal, wished I knew more math and science.
I’m willing to be wrong, certainty often means that I don’t actually understand the problem