Just a reminder, wealth is **not** a zero sum game. If it were we would still be living in caves.

Well, the total amount grows over time, but slowly. If this is addressing wealth disparity, that is indeed a zero-sum game at any moment in time. The more that billionaires have, the less the rest of us do.

I haven’t really heard much angst about people with a million or three, though. The outrage tends to be directed at those with outsized wealth, and the outsized control that goes with it.

@IAmErik No the idea that wealth grows slowly is a huge fallacy.. you are probably thinking of money supply, not wealth. Wealth actually grows quite quickly, it can also be destroyed quickly.

The logic applyes whether you have a million or a trillion, no matter how much someone has is never a reason for outrage. What a person does with their money is all that matter, some create tons of wealth, some destroy wealth, and others give to charity… most do some sort of combination of the three.


Hah, just realized I misquoted the image in your OP. Sorry. Someone else in this thread said, “millionaires”.

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