Anyone here who has #experience with #bupropion?
@Linuxkumpel Umfallpartei wie immer #SPD #werhatunsverraten?
Stuff to discuss during #sex : is the cardinality of the worlds in the many worlds model continuous or discrete? #topicswhileboning #whyyoushouldneverdateamathematician
@kunsi und dann gibts das durchgeknallte Wesen, das solche Fragen stellt
„Wie stehts eigentlich um deine Eier?“ ... 5 Minuten später „Haben wir irgendwo Gummis?“ #kontextfrei #entropialeaks
@cb7f604332cf39 alles gut, ich schade nur mir selbst. ich habe mich nicht fortgepflanzt und diesbezüglich auch keine pläne
Bin mit ner Person aus der #Werteunion am Diskutieren und der fühlt sich diskriminiert, weil ich die Werteunion als Nazis kritisiert habe, u. a. wegen der AfD-Spende des Leiters. Könnt ihr bitte helfen, das Grundsatzproblem von dem Laden zu flöhen und mal Passagen raussuchen, was daran alles Faschoscheiße ist? #afd #nazis #antifa
@xpac Hast du Kinder? Nimm ggf. statt Kippe ne E-Zigarette, das ist cooler :D
If you had some algorithms guaranteeing unhackable #encryption, what would you do?
@jelutz77 I know and yes, you are right. Supporting female education and advancing women's rights is very important as well.
If we want to combat climate change, global #fertility rates still need to fall. I am thinking ahead a while. #Africa will be most important in that aspect. Even if people in developing countries do not consume as many resources as those in developed countries they will soon do when their industries catch up.
On the other hand the coming development is a great opportunity to build renewable energy networks. They do not need to replace old structures as necessary in Europe but can use renewable energy from scratch. #climatechange
@shibaprasad Hm, people normally recommend the bible. Nielsen Chuang - quantum information and quantum computation.
If you want to know more about multiparty quantum authentification protocols or quantum secret sharing or quantum cryptography in general, please PM me. #36C3
If you've not yet seen many talks from #36C3 - you can fix that now:
Yes, there are two #Nextcloud related talks there, too ;-)
CCC hackt Digitale Patientenakte (tagesschau vom 27.12.2019) #36C3
CCC diagnostiziert Schwachstellen in der Digitalen Patientenakte (tragesthemen vom 27.12.2019) #36C3
Extending the lifetime of smartphones with Replicant, a fully free Android distribution #36c3 #video
You don't have to like my ideas. It's enough if they make you think and challenge ideology.