Tired of waiting for Unity to reload script assemblies every time you run your game? You can turn that off:


@peterdrake Except then static variables persist between sessions, which can easily break poorly-implemented singleton patterns. Be *very* careful.

If your builds are taking a long time, I highly recommend letting unity refresh the Library folder (just close Unity, delete the library folder from your project, and re-open unity). It'll take Unity a while to rebuild that folder, but then script builds should be *much* faster for a while.

@LouisIngenthron Can you say more about properly implementing singletons? A web search reveals a deep rabbit hole on this, but all of them use static variables.

@peterdrake Oh, you still have to use statics, you just have to be smart about it. This is the pattern I use that hasn't failed yet. Put it in the Start() function of MonoBehaviours. Try to avoid singletons of non-unity-managed-objects (you'd need a different pattern than the below).

if(Singleton == null)
Singleton = this;
else if(Singleton != this)
Destroy(gameObject); // two in scene

As long as you do that for Unity objects, that first null check will use Unity's override == check to also check for destroyed or unreferenceable objects.

And then in the Destroy function:

if(Singleton != null && Singleton == this)
Singleton = null;


@peterdrake Basically, the key is to make sure to clean up after yourself since the editor won't do it for you. So, if you have a static score integer, make sure somebody's start function resets it to zero. Stuff like that.

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