Weird bug:

I have a trigger zone that causes damage to the player when they touch it. Everything works perfectly, except that I get one frame of damaging collision when I load a particular level. This only happens when I load this level from a previous level, not when I run it directly.

Here's what's really weird: when I look at the stack trace, the zone has transform pos: (-0.100000001, 0, -0.5) rot: eulerAngles: (-0, 0, 0) scale: (10, 1, 10), while the colliding player has transform pos: (20, 0.560276091, -20) rot: eulerAngles: (-0, 0, 0) scale: (1, 1, 1). How are these two colliding?

The resolution: Unity physics are unreliable on FixedUpdate 0. Now I just don't activate the colliders until the second frame and that seems to fix the problem.

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@peterdrake Yeah, I think that's because it includes all the loading time as the first frame's delta time and that borks a lot of subsystems.

Having an asynchronous loading screen also solves it pretty gracefully.

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