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@wtwagg Yes I am using Fedora 29. Why?

I am actually considering moving to openSUSE Tumbleweed.

@wtwagg Yeah. I suppose you do, but if you want a simple way to host Mastodon for a low price I think it is good.

Diaspora*'s coding hasn't been very active recently, but it has been going. I like ActivityPub based stuff better.

I want to set up a bunch of instances of many different projects (Mastodon, PeerTube, Pixelfed) all devoted to Christian principles.

@wtwagg I was thinking of starting off with at the $5 month plan. Maybe eventually I will buy some VPS space and use a modified version of Mastodon (like Qoto does).

I want to set up a diaspora* pod as well. I am very ambitious. xD

I believe that ActivityPub is really the future. Diaspora* is neat, but the diaspora* protocol is not nearly as widespread as ActivityPub. Friendica might be a great medium.

Simple. Web companies don't exist to give you content; they exist to send you ads. Any other idea is merely a delusion.

Sometime we were fooled with the idea of FREE CONTENT, and flew to it like flies to honey. Instead, they caught us in a trap of adverts and cookies and trackers. Before we knew it, power shifted from service providers to advertisers.

WE put them in power. WE sold our souls to them, WE clicked on "agree". It was us who ruined the web.

@wtwagg Thanks. I am liking it so far. I also might make my own instance eventually.

@lupine AGPL protects freedom online. No one can make a fork and not distribute the source code.

@Missingno Sounds great! It would have been even better if religion never existed in the first place.

religion, death Remember the point of view. ;)

religion I am curios what you are referring to. Song of Solomon is a love song between Solomon and the Shulamite.

Openbook is an interesting idea, but they do not see the value of decentralization I guess.

@RAPIDPUNCHES I messed around with text editors and such. I use Atom with a word counter extension. It works well.

@freemo Where do you keep the code for Qoto? All the source code links go to toosuite/mastodon, but you modified the code for here so...

@aral My all-time favorites:

* Nobody cares about privacy
* Nobody will pay for privacy
* "I've got nothing to hide"
* Only criminals need encryption
* "There are checks and balances in place" (for privacy invading legislation)

I just set up account migration. Now my old account at redirects here! Okay sure. But where were you reading about caretaking for cattle?

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Qoto Mastodon

QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves
An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance
All cultures welcome.
Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.