@commandelicious ugh yeah but people getting rich make me to wish more (which is useless maybe)
Why is that? I would think a rich person,particularly one not born that way, would know how best to become rich in the first place.
What am I missing?
@freemo @MominRasool
Survivor bias. They usually were just lucky. Or more persistant than others and then say it was their skill and that is usually not the only reason.
I cant say I agree. While certainly some people are rich by luck, those born rich, or if you win the lottery, but many got there through skill, which is the result of hard work. I forgot the exact number but in america i believe it was 40% - 50% of the fortune 500 list were not born rich.
I do agree that a lot of it is hard work but that is not mutually exclusive with skill, one creates the other. Not to mention that their advice often will include hard work as a requirement for success, so their advice, in my experience, is pretty spot on.
@commandelicious haha
It's all fine until a rich guy says "but you should do -this- to become rich!" then I lose it. :D